// License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// See page 243.
// Crawl3 crawls web links starting with the command-line arguments.
// This version uses bounded parallelism.
// For simplicity, it does not address the termination problem.
package main
import (
func crawl(url string) []string {
list, err := links.Extract(url)
if err != nil {
return list
func main() {
worklist := make(chan []string) // lists of URLs, may have duplicates
unseenLinks := make(chan string) // de-duplicated URLs
var n int
// Add command-line arguments to worklist.
go func() { worklist <- os.Args[1:] }()
// Create 20 crawler goroutines to fetch each unseen link.
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
go func() {
for link := range unseenLinks {
foundLinks := crawl(link)
go func() { worklist <- foundLinks }()
// The main goroutine de-duplicates worklist items
// and sends the unseen ones to the crawlers.
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for ; n > 0; n-- {
list := <-worklist
for _, link := range list {
if !seen[link] {
seen[link] = true
unseenLinks <- link
package main
import (
func main() {
repeat := func(
done <-chan interface{},
values ...interface{},
) <-chan interface{} {
valueStream := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(valueStream)
for {
for _, v := range values {
select {
case <-done:
case valueStream <- v:
return valueStream
take := func(
done <-chan interface{},
valueStream <-chan interface{},
num int,
) <-chan interface{} {
takeStream := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(takeStream)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
select {
case <-done:
case takeStream <- <-valueStream:
return takeStream
orDone := func(done, c <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} {
valStream := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(valStream)
for {
select {
case <-done:
case v, ok := <-c:
if ok == false {
select {
case valStream <- v:
case <-done:
return valStream
tee := func(
done <- chan interface{},
in <- chan interface{},
) (_, _ <- chan interface{}) {
out1 := make(chan interface{})
out2 := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(out1)
defer close(out2)
for val := range orDone(done, in) {
var out1, out2 = out1, out2
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
select {
case out1<-val:
out1 = nil
case out2<-val:
out2 = nil
return out1, out2
done := make(chan interface{})
defer close(done)
out1, out2 := tee(done, take(done, repeat(done, 1, 2), 4))
for val1 := range out1 {
fmt.Printf("out1: %v, out2: %v\n", val1, <-out2)
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