
mono :: sqlite3 and httpserver by c#

https://www.milkmemo.com/entry/ubuntu_csharp_kaihatukankyo :: mono-complete

-- sqlite3 TestData.db < Products.sql
-- Products テーブル削除
drop table if exists Products;

-- Products テーブル作成
create table Products(
    ProductID int not null primary key,
    ProductName text not null,
    Price numeric null,
    ProductDescription text null);

-- INSERT 実行1
insert into Products 
           (ProductID, ProductName, Price, ProductDescription)
    values (1, 'Clamp', 12.48, 'Workbench clamp');

-- INSERT 実行2 カラムの順番を変えたパターン
insert into Products 
           (ProductName, ProductID, Price, ProductDescription)
    values ('Screwdriver', 50, 3.17, 'Flat head');

-- INSERT 実行3 カラムリスト指定なし、入力値リストはカラム順パターン
insert into Products
    values (75, 'Tire Bar', NULL, 'Tool for changing tires.');

-- INSERT 実行4 ProductDescription カラムの指定なしパターン
insert into Products (ProductID, ProductName, Price)
    values (3000, '3mm Bracket', .52);

-- UPDATE 実行
update Products
    set ProductName = 'Flat Head Screwdriver'
    where ProductID = 50;

-- 確認用 SELECT 実行
select * from Products;

using System;
using System.Data;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;

namespace SqliteExample
  public class NewType
    public static void Main(string[] args)
      // 接続文字列
      string constr 
        = "Data Source=/home/sta/data/TestData.db";
      // SQL文字列
      string sqlstr = "SELECT ProductID, ProductName, " +
                        "Price, ProductDescription " +
                      "FROM Products";

      // 1.DBコネクションオブジェクト作成
      using (IDbConnection dbcon = new SqliteConnection(constr))
        // 2.DBコネクションオープン

          // 3.DBコマンドオブジェクト作成
          using (IDbCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand())
            dbcmd.CommandText = sqlstr;

            // 4.DBコマンド実行
            using (IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader())
                string ProductID = reader[0].ToString();
                string ProductName = reader[1].ToString();

                string Price = string.Empty;
                if(reader[2] != null)
                  Price = reader[2].ToString();

                string ProductDescription = string.Empty;
                if(reader[3] != null)
                  ProductDescription = reader[3].ToString();

                  "ID:{0} NAME:{1} PRICE:{2} DESCRIPTION:{3}", 
                  ProductID, ProductName, Price, ProductDescription);
          if (dbcon != null)
            // 5.DBコネクションクローズ
 * ビルド:
 *   mcs new.cs -r:System.Data.dll -r:Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll
 * 実行:
 *   mono new.exe


https://codezine.jp/article/detail/2851?p=5 about monodevelop



// Filename: HttpServer.cs
// Author: Benjamin N. Summerton <define-private-public>
// License: Unlicense (http://unlicense.org/)
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HttpListenerExample
class HttpServer
public static HttpListener listener;
public static string url = "http://localhost:8000/";
public static int pageViews = 0;
public static int requestCount = 0;
public static string pageData =
"<!DOCTYPE>" +
"<html>" +
" <head>" +
" <title>HttpListener Example</title>" +
" </head>" +
" <body>" +
" <p>Page Views: {0}</p>" +
" <form method=\"post\" action=\"shutdown\">" +
" <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Shutdown\" {1}>" +
" </form>" +
" </body>" +
public static async Task HandleIncomingConnections()
bool runServer = true;
// While a user hasn't visited the `shutdown` url, keep on handling requests
while (runServer)
// Will wait here until we hear from a connection
HttpListenerContext ctx = await listener.GetContextAsync();
// Peel out the requests and response objects
HttpListenerRequest req = ctx.Request;
HttpListenerResponse resp = ctx.Response;
// Print out some info about the request
Console.WriteLine("Request #: {0}", ++requestCount);
// If `shutdown` url requested w/ POST, then shutdown the server after serving the page
if ((req.HttpMethod == "POST") && (req.Url.AbsolutePath == "/shutdown"))
Console.WriteLine("Shutdown requested");
runServer = false;
// Make sure we don't increment the page views counter if `favicon.ico` is requested
if (req.Url.AbsolutePath != "/favicon.ico")
pageViews += 1;
// Write the response info
string disableSubmit = !runServer ? "disabled" : "";
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Format(pageData, pageViews, disableSubmit));
resp.ContentType = "text/html";
resp.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
resp.ContentLength64 = data.LongLength;
// Write out to the response stream (asynchronously), then close it
await resp.OutputStream.WriteAsync(data, 0, data.Length);
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a Http server and start listening for incoming connections
listener = new HttpListener();
Console.WriteLine("Listening for connections on {0}", url);
// Handle requests
Task listenTask = HandleIncomingConnections();
// Close the listener

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